1 ain't believe it's already bew over sw months sirvce we last saw each other. I can’t believe it / Shepard :: Tali :: ME комиксы :: ME art :: Mass Effect :: фэндомы

Shepard Tali ME комиксы удалённое ...ME art фэндомы 
1 ain't believe it's already bew over sw months sirvce we last saw each other.
I can’t believe it either. Maybe later...we can go . cp to your cabin
Jus« like we did before the Omc9a-4 rday. Do you ^ remember?
Of course I do. But.
But **at? Oh no ..maybe we don't remember it the same way. 1
1 ain't believe it's already bew over sw months sirvce we last saw each other. I can’t believe it either. Maybe later...we can go . cp to your cabin Jus« like we did before the Omc9a-4 rday. Do you ^ remember? Of course I do. But. But **at? Oh no ..maybe we don't remember it the same way. 1 couldn't help being that nervous and... No. no. Tali. 1 wasn't 9org to say ttiat. That was one of the best days of my tife. You were great and things ¿jfmojf couldn’t hove* been better. * It's jus« that, despite how amazing things were, I had this \ Strange filing narjgir>5 me like somebody way.
фэндомы,Mass Effect,ME art,Shepard,Tali,ME комиксы,удалённое
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