Vahana flaruniss Dis Graileann
*•'»#<«*» Ol Houi# o* • III. Ol (rv»io> On^im luU* »•* HaiUMiom i»*!/*« Our-*y (III 1(Jth floih<«n Or^uUty.
6u»M AltMMlirv.
(•«mpUi ol fHoiWllOfl» Ai|(*M4t olol H*# IUiomim I If of. Hi# UM *9**11 Hi# £»*[»*«•
C *rr#ot rtbdvt>
Character Sheet
by SnowlUy.
format Piothaan Analytic VI of Prothmn Ramarch Facility on Hot.
Reanimated by PtcryA Vshuun m yc* 7601 followed by the eitabmhment of the llos Aithiv* cl ESCOG Up9ctided Into a Shackled AI by Fitly* Vakarian and Anha Tionl in yea« 26$8.
Umhacklcd and 9>v*n phyucal body In ynar 7989